Cool! I Defeated all girl vs girl matches today

    I participated in ranking matches at the Table Tennis Association. Today the ranking match started! This is my chance to get a higher rank in TT.
    Too bad I couldn't defeat the boys. They do smashes, crashes and sometimes it is hard to see the ball because it goes too fast.
    I defeated all girl vs girl matches today. When I'm with a girl, I can defeat her, because it is easy. They don't smash and play slowly. The ball goes high enough for me to do a smash.
    Today I faced few boys but I may have to face more tomorrow!! Too bad!


  1. Thx! This is very hard to remember! I will try to do it on the match today!

  2. Don't worry about the boys because it is great what you did and thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!!!

    I wrote some jokes,


    1. I already finished the ranking match and I will try to write about it.
      Your jokes were funny too! I left a comment too.
