The Day That Went Wrong. . . . (Dialougue)

It was snowing heavily but Rebbecca decided to visit her friend Alison. She went up to her house and knocked at the door . . .

Alison : Becky!? What are you doing here!? You must come inside!
Rebbecca : Alis I am fine! Besides, I was just so bored at home I decided to pay you a visit.
Alison : Becky its nice of you but it should be shivering cold out there. The snow is also deepening. You might catch a fever Becky!
Rebbecca : Alis please don't panic. I'm here right now.
Alison : I know! I'm panicking because something dreadful happened!
Rebbecca : What? Don't tell me that your birthday surprise was ruined?!


The gust of wind sent snow flying over the window. The two girls hardly felt any warmth. The went into the kitchen where Alison's mom was baking a cake, but that was not what Rebbecca saw first . . .

Rebbecca : Oh dear! My well baked birthday cake! I made it just for you Alis! But now you've . . .
Alison : I'm so so sorry. I did not know it.
Rebbecca  : It’s okay. (sob)
Alison : Please come out. My mom will clean it.
Rebecca : No! Not until I know how the cake fell on the ground.
Alison :  Well I was playing with Stanley when . . .

She began her story. When it was finished Rebbecca couldn't stop the tears.

Alison : Becky? . . .
Rebbecca : I will call Bobby, Alis. She will know how to bake one.
Alison : Ro - R - Roberta? Well . . . Oh we can't call her to bake a cake because mother is already finishing the job. You see things . . .

Too late. Poor Alison threw out to tears to see a girl stepping into her home.

Alison : No this can't be!
Roberta : Well I heard the whole conversation.
Rebbecca : Did you?
Roberta : Yes! Haha! Alison thought that she was going to be toast huh?
Alison : Well yes?!
Roberta : It was all meant to be an accident so no need to Al!
Alison : Really? Oh Bobby you are so kind!
Rebbecca : Well look at the party both of you!

Both Alison and Roberta went near the door and what did they see?
A whole gang of girls and boys ready for Alison’s birthday party. And just in time. Alison’s mother finished the cake and it was better than the one baked by Rebbecca! What a fun day inside a house but outside? NOOO! Too windy for me how about you?

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