Hippy Yippie!

Welicomea blog comers ! In here... Addu city... I came with my laptop n nw i could pst! wish me luck!


  1. Yippee yey!!! So glad to see u after ages! Yh! That's what I will call. AGES!!! These days looked like ages without ur lovely posts. I am really excited to see ur posts, but bad news! On forth December 2012 ( Tuesday ) me nd my family r going abroad to Bangalore so I might be busy these days packing and doing shopping etc... So I might not be able to look at ur posts nd to comment, but I will try to look at ur posts nd leave a comment on every post, only if I get time. After going abroad even I might be busy doing this and tht, so I might not be able to look at ur posts nd leave a comment, but I will try my best. After the bad news I will give u a good news too! I will come back in twentieth December 2012 ( Thursday ). Wish u good luck and wish u a marvellous holiday! Hope u have gr8 and fun days in Addu! :)
    ( ????? ) guess who?

  2. Bangalore?! That's great . . (?????) But I'm goin to my island forward on Dcember 5... Anyway I know u wll hve great fun in Bangalore.. This ntht sounds like curiosity...

    JOONY... :p!
