Picnic . . . .

Hello blog world . . . Today I had great fun. I went on a picnic in a beach near the bridge. I had great fun there. I also made friends with two girls that are small compared to my promoted grd n age . . . Their names were Luba n Luha. Do you think they r twins? Nope. They are sisters. Compared Luba is bigger than Luha.
I swam like a dolphin there which didn't cause much trouble like the waves. My kudaatha who was scared to get her face in water came on a rubber turtle float! She's big in age and Gr but same size! Haha! Surely I had a fun time. twice the size as at home . . . ! Well after sometime we had to get out of the water that made my face change. Oh well . . . Now for the bad newz. After the trip we had to get the pickup dropping one by one of us to our own homes out of three, we were the last. Now for the incident. We approximately had to wait for half an hour to ge in because of a man who sleeps n I don't know! Any ways I had a nice day . . .

PS : Did you ever went on a picnic? Tell me about it!

1 comment:

  1. I did go on a picnic. It was in a park. We ate fruits and biscuits. We sat near a flower bed under a tree!
