This poem is very useful and important for the world today. You surely know how to write useful, important and beautiful poems. Not only poems, stories and descriptive writings too.
I got a brilliant idea! I will judge ur poems, stories and descriptive writings and give it marks by a comment. Then I will write my one below ur post by a comment. Then u have to judge my one nd give it marks by a comment too. Got it! Well it sounds a little complicated. Right? Ok. For an example u wrote a poem and I will judge ur poem and give it marks by a comment. In that comment or in an other comment I will also include a poem made by me! After that u can judge my poem and give it marks by a comment too. I will give u the marking criteria of poems, stories and descriptive writings.
Vocabulary 3 marks Grammar 4 marks Spelling 3 marks Informative 3 marks Creativeness 2 marks TOTAL 15 marks
Stories and descriptive writings:
Title 0.25 Starting 0.5 marks Content 9 marks Vocabulary 3 marks Grammar 5 marks Ending 0.5 marks Length 1.0 marks Pargraph 0.75 marks TOTAL 20 marks
PS: Use these criterias to judge our poems, stories and descriptive writings. By depending on the marks we get we will choose who gives the best poem, story or descriptive writing. Don't cheat! You must know what I mean right? Just judge truthfully! Do your own work by yourself! Ok :D
In this way we can improve our english skills by making it fun!!! Hope u will like this idea!
I kindly ask u to give permission to the things I have mentioned above :)
This poem is very useful and important for the world today. You surely know how to write useful, important and beautiful poems. Not only poems, stories and descriptive writings too.
ReplyDeleteI got a brilliant idea! I will judge ur poems, stories and descriptive writings and give it marks by a comment. Then I will write my one below ur post by a comment. Then u have to judge my one nd give it marks by a comment too. Got it! Well it sounds a little complicated. Right? Ok. For an example u wrote a poem and I will judge ur poem and give it marks by a comment. In that comment or in an other comment I will also include a poem made by me! After that u can judge my poem and give it marks by a comment too. I will give u the marking criteria of poems, stories and descriptive writings.
Vocabulary 3 marks
Grammar 4 marks
Spelling 3 marks
Informative 3 marks
Creativeness 2 marks
TOTAL 15 marks
Stories and descriptive writings:
Title 0.25
Starting 0.5 marks
Content 9 marks
Vocabulary 3 marks
Grammar 5 marks
Ending 0.5 marks
Length 1.0 marks
Pargraph 0.75 marks
TOTAL 20 marks
PS: Use these criterias to judge our poems, stories and descriptive writings. By depending on the marks we get we will choose who gives the best poem, story or descriptive writing. Don't cheat! You must know what I mean right? Just judge truthfully! Do your own work by yourself! Ok :D
In this way we can improve our english skills by making it fun!!! Hope u will like this idea!
I kindly ask u to give permission to the things I have mentioned above :)
( must know who this is! :p )
I like the idea Joony but the comments will be too long???
ReplyDeleteU hve an email so send me your writings by mails...
Here's mine:
Yh! Thts ok for me! Start uploading! :p