The Best Book I Have Ever Read. (Essay)

    I have read books of many interesting titles, but out of all the books I loved: Science From Scrap.
science from scrap book cover    The book is very interesting, and it is an environmental friendly book and helps recycle things that are found at your home. I found the most interesting scrap craft was the bottle box. You could send :
sweets, coins and anything that would fit in a little box! You could even make a sewing machine out of simple scraps! Even a telescope! I loved to see so many extraordinary crafts made from simple scraps. And I definitely liked to recycle things. I was very fond of the author. What a person who love the world and who try to save it must be the one! 
     I would like to ask all of you to reuse, reduce and RECYCLE! For we shall save our disappearing world. Remember, we all share the same world. And we all can take care of it. TOGETHER!

(Quoting inspiring stuff from Dora be like)


  1. From ur unsurpassed description of the book u made me luv the book! heheh! I am very eager to read the book! Marvellous descriptive writer!

    - Joony ( as usual :p )

    1. Thx and I know if you read the whole book you will feel you are in a Recycle World!
